I'm a day later than usual in posting, but considering I cleaned all of the empty boxes that were "forgotten" in the pantry and the kids were wandering the kitchen with looks of horror yesterday morning I thought I'd better head to the grocery story. Seeing as our choice to live in the middle of nowhere puts my favorite grocery story about 45 minutes away, I tend to run any other errands I have then too, so the whole event takes pretty much all day. Mostly I treat it as a mini-vacation .
Yesterday was sort of roller coaster-ish on the literary front. I got a rejection from the agent I had queried with Bart and the Amber Bee Award back in March. Not a bad turn around time-wise since they asked for at least 12 weeks. I'm considering just focusing on the self-publishing option. It's not that I mind the rejections, I would much rather be picked up by an agent that believes in my writing than one who is just so-so about it. It's also not that I don't want to find a traditional publisher, I think that would be a pretty big win for me. There are just so many flaming hoops to jump through in the process that finding the time to hunt potential agents down and query them is difficult. I think that time could be better spent on other things. The "Yippeee!!" part of the roller coaster yesterday was that a friend of mine who works for an Art Center sent me a message on facebook. I had sent a copy of Fiddlebug up for the Art Center's fund raising auction. Lynda, the woman who started the Art Center wants to support my book by keeping copies for sale up there! MUCH bigger area than here, and the Art Center does a lot of work with kids, so it should be a great place to send some copies! I'm hoping to talk with her this coming week to find out details, but I've very excited. Plus, when I checked my records and double checked my copies on hand I found out that I only have 7 left here that aren't on hold. My brother is still holding 4 in Alabama, but only having 11 unclaimed out of 210 isn't too shabby as far as I'm concerned! (Especially for being unknown and living in a really rural area.)
As for my To Do List last week, I got through it on a technicality. I decided that the advertising credits I received for hosting my website through Fat Cow will be better used right before Clyde comes out in July. (I did read about them though). Now it's just about fishing for followers here and at my website... and twitter... facebook... myspace (sigh, you get the picture ) and updating things regularly. Hopefully this means I can get back to the fun part of writing! For now, I'm off to plant some new plants where the cat is laying in the picture and see what's sprouted in the flower bed I want to focus on next. See you Monday!
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