Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's Words from Almost Comfortable Skin #28

#28 It isn’t about fitting in; it’s about finding the place where you fit.

(Wednesdays Words come from either personal experience or observed situations that have settled into the thought patterns that make me who I am.)

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

Welcome to a new week! Unfortunately mine began with me opening my eyes and seeing snow falling outside my window... YUCK! I'm really REALLY tired of snow! That's okay though, it is spring and eventually the white flaky stuff will stop for a few months. I got a good workout in and that countered the chilly feeling and took up enough time for the sun to come out and shine too. Definite improvement!
This weeks goals don't seem to have any new writing involved, so I'm hoping to get what I need to done fairly quickly and then have some free time to either add to a story or brainstorm some illustrations. We'll see. For now the plan is to be On My Way To finding out how to get a table at the Galax Book Festival, redesign my business cards with my new website, schedule either a story time visit or book signing for April, and send Clyde... off to the Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards Contest (with a whole lot of well wishes and prayers too).
I hope you enjoy the walk toward your own goals this week, and I'll be here for my update on Friday! See you then!

(Note on the pic: Nope, haven't seen any of these yet, but I've decided to start watching the walkway in hopes that they'll tell me it's not going to get cold anymore for a while!)

Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25, 2011

Okay, so I'm breaking my own rule and updating before I go to the gym. I've got a lot to do today and every time I turn around there is another thing added to my list. I figured I'd start out by getting something done.
Speaking of getting things done, my website has been relocated! (insert The Hallelujah Chorus here) I'm really happy with it too. You should go check it out: I even added a page with a slide show of my art - which I deserve bravery points for! I also finished my entries for the Monroe Arts Alliance's writing contest early and have already sent them in. I had until April 1, so I'm feeling light as a feather right now!
I hope all of you had as smooth of a journey through your week, and that your weekend is spectacular! I'm off to work off some of this marshmallow fluff that seems to have found its way under my skin and then back home to check over schoolwork and begin planning a project budget for the walkway. See you on Monday!
(Note on the picture: I painted this a few years ago as a gift. The picture is under glass so excuse the flash glare.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday's Words from Almost Comfortable Skin #32

#32 The world’s jerk quota has been filled. Please work on a more positive life skill.

This one is dedicated to the "caregiver" who left an 80+ year old woman sitting beside a support pillar in her wheelchair in a parking garage in Charleston, WV for 45 minutes while she went to get the car... and forgot where she left the woman she was supposed to be taking care of. Yes, the truly wonderful elderly lady is fine and hopefully has found a better person to help her out since last Saturday.

(Wednesdays Words come from either personal experience or observed situations that have settled into the thought patterns that make me who I am.)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011 Guest Interview with Tristan Mitchell

I count myself lucky to have known Tristan since just before my official transition into adult life. He's one of those people who simply makes this world a better place just by being in it. So I send my best well wishes along to him for reaching his goals (I believe this post is actually past the completion date, however I'm SURE he has new deadlines to meet) - even though or especially because they are work related.


Interview with Tristan Mitchell

Q) What goal are you working toward?
A) My current goal is work related. I am preparing the shop for this year’s remodel jobs. Since we also install appliances on a daily basis, the goal is two fold. Step one is to clear and maintain an in/out area for the installers to pick up and drop off appliances. Step two is to clear out the shop of everything else not crucial to the upcoming remodel jobs.

Q) What made you decide to work on your goal?
A) As are most job related goals, my boss decided to make this a priority.

Q) Do you have a timeline? If so, how do you set it?
A) I believe I have until the first of March to get everything situated. Again, this goal was set by outside circumstances, particularly the start time set by the customer.

Q) What keeps you motivated?
A) This question is a bit snarly for me due to the fact that I consider myself a laid back person. The thought of getting the job done and getting it done right is probably my biggest internal motivator for the majority of my goals, big or small, business or personal.

Q) How will you celebrate when you reach your goal?
A) Does anyone realize how hard it is to live in the moment when reliving past victories?

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011

Ah, another week is here to wrestle with. I'm looking forward to this week's match too. I've got a big change that is going to really help me toward some goals by saving money. I'm moving my website to a free location. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the customer service and everything else about Fatcow's hosting - The site just can't support itself yet, so is cutting into my budget in a not so great way. The move will be taken care of before the end of the month, and I'll be sure to post changes for those who visit the craft page. I'm glad to hear that so many of the craft ideas and recipes are used in classrooms too! It makes me feel great to know that I'm taking a little of the pressure off of teachers to come up with ideas. Just to warn you, I will be recycling the projects this year along with a few new additions plugged in here and there to freshen things up. A year is an awful long time to remember ideas and directions, so I don't want the new group of little ones coming along to miss out (plus I can really use the extra time!). So, there you have it - my plan. I'm On My Way To a virtual relocation and 3 days (well, make that 2 more) of counteracting the "Butt in Chair" process of writing! I hope your week is great and that you get some firm steps taken toward your own goals!
(About the pic: I'm looking to put a sitting erea on the spot by the chimney. It's just outside my office window and I think it will be a great nook to get away to!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011

The gym plan is moving along. I didn't make it on Wednesday due to Chance's dentist appointment, but Monday went really well and I just got home from today's visit (and can still move). Maybe there aren't any physical improvements yet, but my brain is starting to feel less cloudy and sluggish... and grumpy. Works for me! If you are wondering, I made the contest entry deadline. I'm pretty happy with the entry too which helps. Now it's off to a writer's workshop in Charleston tomorrow and the rest of the weekend spent with my 3 favorite guys. Have a great weekend!

(Note on the pic: This was taken last year, but I was happy to see that the leaves are up and there is a nice bud making its way to the sunlight!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday's Words from Almost Comfortable Skin #52

#52 Brains need rest too.

(Wednesdays Words come from either personal experience or observed situations that have settled into the thought patterns that make me who I am.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15, 2011 Guest Interview with Rodger Jackson

This week's interview is with a Rodger Jackson. Rodger and my husband met when they were in A School with the US Navy. Later when they were both stationed in the same area we had the pleasure of Rodger being our room mate. I can honestly say that there aren't many nicer people in the world, and that Rodger's wonderfully laid back attitude floats over the surface of a very determined person. I have no doubts that he will meet his goals. I also LOVE his answer to the motivation question!


Interview with Rodger Jackson

Q) What goal are you working toward?
A)I am studying to be a paralegal at my local Technical College.

Q) What made you decide to pursue your goal?
A) I was digging ditches for a living and one day I had an epiphany about "Working smart instead of working hard".

Q) Do you have a timeline? If so, how did you set it?
A) My time line is 5 full time semesters as prescribed by my degree program. I should have my degree this time next year as I have one semester completed already.

Q) What keeps you motivated?
A) If I don't make at least a C then I don't get the funding to pay for school and I have will have to pay for it out of my own pocket. Not wanting to risk finding myself in a ditch again is another powerful motivator.

Q) How will you celebrate when you reach your goal?
A) Part one: When I reach my education goal my celebration will be restoring my Corvette that has been a glorified yard ornament for the past few years. Part two: I will probably stay in school until doomsday or thereafter and start to work on another degree right away.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

I do believe I need a little bit of a shake up. Spring is here in just a few short days - whether the weather believes it or not - and the new season is a great reason to change things up a little bit. I've been thinking about this for a while too, so the new plan comes to you fully formed and the changes that are coming have been weighed and measured so should fit nicely into my world.
To begin with I am changing my focus a little. I'm still going to be writing and battling the marketing mayhem, but I'm some timing and letting that settle into the background a little more. I have been neglecting my gym membership due to my behind being so attached to this chair for far too long, so (barring illness, weather, and other acts of God) I will be updating later in the day on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays because I will be working at fitting into my clothes more comfortably before I park myself here at the computer.
I'll let you know what other changes are going on as they come up. For now, I'm On My Way To meeting a deadline for a writing contest - and it has to be post marked tomorrow to avoid late fees!
Wishing you all a terrific week!
(Note on the picture: I can't wait for some new flowers to bloom! Until then I'll make due with these guys from last year.)

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011

Quick update after the first day of the craft show just to say that all is well. I have the new edition of Clyde the Undead Dust Bunny proof copy from Lightning Source and am pretty happy with it. I'll decide next week whether to fix the couple of things that I'm iffy about or let them slide. I've also been working on some contest entries that will be polished as much as possible by next week when I have to send them. All in all a great week, and I'm currently enjoying a nice visit with my dad too! I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll see you Monday!

(Note on the picture: Here's the new Clyde art minus the cover text. This is the one that will hopefully sell millions of copies through the usual bookbuying options!)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday's Words from Almost Comfortable Skin #46

#46 Deadline pressure is better than being pelted with unexpected To Do’s.

(Wednesdays Words come from either personal experience or observed situations that have settled into the thought patterns that make me who I am.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8, 2011 Guest Interview with Steph Spahr

Meet my friend Steph Spahr. Of all of the wonderful friends I have, she has put up with me the longest - we met in 8th grade and been there ever since. She's one of those impressive people who is always slow to anger and quick to laugh, and although she doesn't mention it here she's fantastically artistic. I have no doubt that she'll reach any goal she sets her mind to - she always has after all - and I'm proud to be in her corner cheering her on!

Guest Blogger Questions

1) What goal are you working toward?
a.) Trying to become a 'more involved' and affective parent with my 11yr old without crossing the "I wanna be his friend" line. (ok, almost 'too late in the game' but I have a very extraordinarily caring I may have some hope after all)
b.) Attempting to focus more time on ME and then also on my husband...I feel that is very important that you don't forget yourself and your marriage...after all that is what makes the family a family! (loosing weight & getting in better shape for the "me" goals, taking time in every day to show my husband I appreciate him...he is very good with this, me - not-so-much, I stumble over words cuz I've never been good at expressing myself in a "gooshy romantic way"...sorry just AINT me!!!)

2) What made you decide to pursue your goal?
a.) The parent sculpting....mainly because I was noticing I wasn't following thru on things and was also noticing that I was getting good at telling my son "I'll be right with you after *insert not-important have-to task here* (such as paying bills, making dinner, watching my tv show)...then I started noticing I never really would get back to him about what he wanted me for....I don't want to look back on my time as a parent and say "my goodness...he's all grown up now and I never spent enough time with him!" or "he's ready to go out on his own...and I didn't do my best as a parent to show him what he should know for life!"
b.) for the "focus on ME"....honestly it only took looking at myself in a picture (nuff said) and as for focusing on my husband...I know I have married my best friend and I don't want him to forget that I DO appreciate him each & every day! ( mushy gushy corney does that sound?!?!?)

3) Do you have a timeline? If so, how did you set it?
a.) Let's son is 11 that gives me 7 more years to get this thing right! (hum...or maybe a few years less than that cuz I'm sure the "friends" will step in front of me at about age 15-ish)
b.) for me...I'm trying to get on a time-line for my "me make-over"....can't say I'm strictly sticking to it thought (need some additional motivation...I guess the idea of stuffing this body into a swim-suit this summer hasn't been enough of a push in the right direction for me yet)

4) What keeps you motivated?
a.) Thinking about a comment my mom made to me "Make memories with your kids NOW rather than letting day-to-day life get in the way then one day they move out and all you can do is look back and say 'I wish I would've..."
b.) I'm still trying to figure something out that will work on helping to keep me motivated with loosing far...nothin'...that would definitely explain why I'm having such a tough time with it!

5) How will you celebrate when you reach your goal?
a.) Hum....don't really have a "celebration" planned for the kid thing....I'll just be pleased to know I did a good job when the time comes.
b.) If I can reach my goal...I told myself I am LONG overdue for some NEW CLOTHES!!! (in my new "smaller size")

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011

Craft Show and Contests and Dad... Oh my! Come on, a complimentary golf clap for the effort would be appreciated anyway. But seriously that's pretty much my list for the week. I'm looking forward to a visit with my dad this weekend - which unfortunately I will be juggling into time at the Arts and Craft Show at Greenbrier Valley Mall. It'll be great to see him though, and since I'm dragging him along with me for part of the time, maybe he'll be a better salesman than I am! Aside from that I'm On My Way To finishing up some contest entries with a March 15th deadline so I'll meet my writing quota by default! Nice when things work out that way.
I'll see you for a check-in sometime between Thursday and Sunday. With the weekend looking as interesting as it is I'm trying to give myself some wiggle room. Have fun with your week and enjoy wrestling your goals into submission!

(Note on the pic: That's my dad, Rick Trescott, with his wife Pat Lyles looking all happy at the river through their woods in Alabama.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday's Words from Almost Comfortable Skin #18

#18 One day you’ll see that “horrible” picture and think how fabulous you looked!

(Wednesdays Words come from either personal experience or observed situations that have settled into the thought patterns that make me who I am.)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011 Guest Interview with Trinity Hinton

My name is Trinity, I first met Brittney in high school some 20 + years ago, and, like a lot of other people, I wear many hats. Currently, the hats I wear most often include: wife, mom, domestic goddess, dog trainer to my 3 wonderful mutts, and student. My husband is an amazing man who I started dating 23 years ago. This summer we celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and I can proudly say he’s still my best friend. Our daughter is 17, a senior in high school and heading off to the Marines later this year after graduation. I’ve went back to school to get the degree I should have had almost 2 decades ago (in Computer Programming) and that is a HUGE goal for me – but it’s not completed until May 2012, so it doesn’t really count as a goal for this year, unless you count getting through this year part of that goal! Seeing as how this isn’t the first time I’ve been to college, I understand all too well how “things happen” and you become a college dropout, but I really can’t foresee anything happening to change that for me this time around. With age comes many things, one of which is determination – and that’s something I definitely have where school is concerned!

Working hard for amazing grades in school – as a female going into a male-dominated field I have to be better than average. (Ideally, I’d love to keep the 4.0 GPA going strong!)
Keeping the mountain of laundry under control! – this will minimize automatically when our daughter heads off to boot camp. *grin*
Get back in shape again – this seems to be on my list every year and I haven’t quite figured out how to make this happen yet, but that doesn’t stop me from buying gizmos and gadgets that are SUPPOSED to help (but really just end up cluttering my closet and workout spaces)! On the plus side, I’m running out of excuses as I seem to have used them all up!
Train all 3 dogs (2 of which are rescues) well enough that they could be off leash and that they always listen even when animals or other tempting things threaten disobedience. (I’ve been watching a lot of the Dog Whisperer, too! LOL)
Enjoying our 20th wedding anniversary – not many people anymore seem to stick together and this is a milestone. The fact that he’s still my best friend is even more amazing because yes, we actually DO enjoy spending time together!
Seeing our daughter graduate high school, turn 18 and go off to Marine boot camp – she is officially an adult later this year and we can only hope that we did our job as parents good enough. (Oh yeah, after September, we can yell out with enthusiasm “We’re Free!!!!” *grin*)

As for what made me choose to pursue these goals – most of them are just what is happening at this point in my life. They chose me more than I chose them! ;)
Timeline – end of the year?! I figure if they are goals for this year, they’d BETTER be settled by December 31st! LOL
Motivation – my motivation for almost everything I do is my family.
Celebrations will consist of hanging my head and putting most of these things back on the list of goals for 2012!