Despite the fact that a few curve balls flew into an already busy week, I am proud to say that I got almost all of my list accomplished. I've got 2 bookstores that I still want to contact, but I did send an e-mail to a couple of others that I did signings with for Fiddlebug. I've also got new pictures that still need taken - and since the leaves are falling pretty darned fast I think I should get on that. I got caught up on the latest round of paperwork, and school schedules are under control for the moment. The Pajama Program donation option is up on my site and Ecolibris is just on hold until the post office delivers the stickers for the books. (Oh, and I got the house cleaned up, and the dog bathed.) Now I'm off to get ready for writers group and a trip to the WV Book Festival. Happy weekend to everyone!
(Okay, the picture has nothing to do with the week - I admit it. Still who doesn't want to hide sometimes?)
I'd like to have a closet to hide in sometimes.