Ah Monday - you are looking big and hairy and your pointy teeth are showing (much like the picture). I'm not sure I like you very much, especially since you are pulling the rest of the week along with you and those days are sort of scary looking too. Don't get me wrong, it's all good stuff - well aside from the still needing to clean the house part anyway. It's just that there are a LOT of different directions involved. I feel scattered already.
So here is what I'm On My Way To this week:
1) Finish getting everything set up to sort of partner with Pajama Program (Want more information? www.pajamaprogram.org ) on Clyde sales. I'm going to add an option on the website (and at book signings also) for people to purchase a copy of Clyde that will then be donated to Pajama Program. It's an all around winning situation. People can give a donation that will make a kid happy; Pajama Program will get more exposure and also (hopefully) quite a few books; and I can get more copies of Clyde out and about.
2) I am also planning to partner with Ecolibris. They are a wonderful company that allows you the option of "balancing your library" of physical books by planting a tree for each book that you purchase a sticker for. Stickers are made from recycled paper and soy based ink which is an added bonus. Authors who partner with the company also get some added marketing help. Once again, a very good deal all the way around. (By the way, anyone can purchase stickers to balance their library. Just go to www.ecolibris.net )
3) Catch up on all paperwork - including finish typing Mason's school schedule BLAH!
4) Contact a couple of book stores about signings.
5) Take some pictures to post here.
6) New writer's group meeting on Saturday. Thankfully I've already got the piece I'm taking ready.
I'm cutting the list off there. I know there is no knew writing, but to be honest, my brain is a little fried and I'm wanting to enjoy the Clyde the Undead Dust Bunny roller coaster for a little while longer before I look around for something new. New books deserve a LOT of attention - and require a lot too!
So, that's where I'm heading this week. Sounds like a good reason to give in to my pj-wearing-mole-person nature and just stay home! I'll let you know how it goes on Friday!
Sharing and giving sound like great goals. And yes do enjoy bonding with Clyde. for a while longer.